Our core values
Increases confidence, communication, independent living and motivation,
Provides a safe and caring environment for a happy and enjoyable life,
Reduces isolation depression and isolation,
Prevents loneliness and reclusion,
Improves quality of life style, learning, mental health and well-being.
We provide a bespoke Independence award where young adults are given the opportunity to flourish and be as independent as they can be.
Adults thrive at JPC Community Farm with a combination of fun and encouragement, based on building skills to equip them to be as independent as they can be.
The packages we offer are bespoke and we hope to develop interests and hobbies along the way. JPC Independence Award is the branch of JPC Community Farm where young adults are given the opportunity to flourish and grow.

Here at JPC Community Farm we provide our bespoke course written in house with individual needs considered in each session. Staff at JPC Community Farm have developed a course based upon the Government “Preparing for adulthood” outcomes, outlined in the SEND code of practice for England.
These are:
- Employment and Training,
- Independent living,
- Friendship and Community,
- Health.

We offer:
- Small group sizes
- Client to staff ratio of 3 young adults to 1 member of staff (1:3)
- Opportunities from age 18+
Programme Organisation
The way our programme runs, we do not have a timescale or an end date, so the speed of learning can be tailored to the individual. Every session tackles a relevant topic in manageable tasks. Lots of evidence is kept and goals, self-assessment and staff-assessment is collected along the way.
Due to the variability between the amount of sessions clients attend, each module is ‘stand-alone’ meaning no prior knowledge is needed. Therefore, our client’s experiences will not feel disjointed if their attendance is only limited per week.

As qualifications and accreditation are not appropriate options for some young people to support good life outcomes, we use ‘recognising and recording progress and achievement’ (RARPA) to gauge learning, which is a recognised assessment measure. We think about each individuals personal aims, objective setting and regular reviews. This is a successful method and has a proven track record within our hub at getting the best results out of our clients. We love seeing their personal progress!

Celebrating success
“Small steps in the right direction can be the biggest steps of your life”
Celebrations are a key factor to recognise all the things we can do rather than dwelling on things we struggle with. We regularly recognise all our clients achievements by self-assessing and recognising the steps we have made since starting their journey, either new skills being built, or social boundaries being pushed. We really try to make every young person feel like even the smallest accomplishments are just as valuable as the biggest ones.
During the course a personal learning frame is developed, which is added to when a module has been completed. This visual aid is very popular with our clients to see how far they have come and the progress the have already made.
Daily routines including enrichment
We have a very friendly and family environment which nurtures our young adults and allows them to learn in a comfortable environment. Routine is very important and is incorporated in our daily programme.
We recognise that friendship and social skills are an important element, with this in mind enrichment time is built in daily to learn a new skill or hobby in an informal setting.
Some underway now are:
- Publishing a children’s book
- Designing a disability awareness board game
- Sewing projects using a digital sewing machine
- Baking for pleasure
- Wheelchair basketball
And several animal related interest.
Nothing is impossible and we try to include every interest.